Repeat Prescriptions

72 hours notice / Three working days required.

  • Requests in writing with details of name address and full details of drug(s) required.
  • To avoid errors - telephone requests will not be accepted.
  • You can order online by sending an email to:
  • please note you do not get a response in stated time when ordering prescriptions you just allow 72hours before collecting your prescription. Please provide full name and date of birth on every request.
  • You can also register for NHS Wales App which is a service where you can see what medication you are on and request them online. 
  • Some local pharmacies offer a collection and delivery service. Please arrange this with the pharmacy direct.
  • Please note any urgent prescription request will have to be collected from the surgery not the pharmacy.
Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Presgripsiynau ailadroddus

72 awr o rybudd / Tri ddiwrnod gwaith yn ofynnol.

  • Gallwch archebu trwy ebost i Enw llawn a dyddiad geni ar bob cais
  • Gallwch hefyd gofrestru ar gyfer "NHS app Cymru" sydd yn wasanaeth sy'n eich galluogi i weld pa feddyginiaeth yr ydych arno a hefyd gwneud cais amdano ar lein.  
  • Ceisiadau ysgrifenedig gyda manylion am gyfeiriad, enw a manylion llawn y cyffuriau sy’n ofynnol.
  • Er mwyn osgoi camgymeriadau – ni fydd ceisiadau dros y ffon yn cael eu derbyn.
  • Mae rhai fferyllfeydd lleol yn cynnig gwasanaeth casgly a dosbarthu. Os gwelwch yn dda trefnwch hyn gyda’r fferyllfa yn uniongyrchol.
  • Adolygiadau meddyginiaeth Gofynnir i gleifion ar feddyginiaeth amlroddadwy i weld meddyg, ymarferydd nyrsio neu nyrs practis o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn i adolygu meddyginiaethau. Hysbysir hyn yn rheolaidd ar eich slip ail adrodd.
  • Sicrhewch eich bod yn trefnu apwyntiad priodol i osgoi diangen i bresgripsiynau pellach.
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